
Event Name: felicitation-ceremony Event Date: 11th September, 2023
Faculty Coordinators: Pankhuri Rathore Dr. Manvi Aggarwal Event Timings: 11:00 am Onwards
Participants: 110 Students MOC:Online, Zoom


The Felicitation ceremony is organised to a recognize the student’s outstanding performances. Throughout the Pre-orientation module, students have showed their dedication and excellence in various areas. Their proficiency in Numerical Literacy, Basics of Finance, English language skills, and participation in Friday Funday Activities has been the reason for the session.

Detailed Report:

Lloyd Group of Institutions organised a Felicitation Ceremony on 11th September 2023. The session was joined by more than 100-110 students on an online platform. This activity was specifically designed to honour the achievements of the students. The department organized a grand celebration where the head of department, Dr. Shilpi Sarna and faculty members acknowledged the hard work and commitment of the students of BBA batch 2023-2026. The ceremony was served as a platform to appreciate the skills they have developed and their achievements.

The whole pre-module had two sets of students in Batch 1 and Batch 2 respectively. The assessments were also done in the same manner, so the winners announced were also from the two different batches. There were various Friday Funday activities combinedly organized for the students. The participation for the same was also honoured in the session. This event was not only commemorated their accomplishments but also inspired them to continue striving for greatness in their academic lives.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Students were able to appreciate their recognition
  • Students were able to enjoy their success